Everyday is a New Opportunity to Learn.
We thank you for visiting our website and learning a bit more about
what we do. If you wish to know more about our unique program and services,
simply contact our offices to schedule a visit. We love having parents
and families observe how our team works to engage students in a positive,
nurturing environment.
Monday - Thursday:
8:00am to 4:00pm
Fridays: 8:00am to 12:00pm
Learning Environment Hours
Wednesday and Thursday: 9:00am to 12:00pm
We are located within King Hall on
the California State University Los Angeles campus. Click here
to see a Campus Map that also provides links to parking information
and directions to the university. If you wish for a navigable map, click
Centro de Niños y Padres
Center for Young Children and their Families

California State University Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032
Phone: (323) 343-4420
Fax: (323) 343-6115
Funding may be available through Regional Center. Private pay is accepted.
Please contact our offices for more information.
A Very Special Teaching Program.
We are an affiliated visitation site for the SEEDS
Project sponsored by the California Department of Education (CDE)
and Sacramento County Office of Education. If you are wishing to observe
as part of a Local Education Agency, please contact us
through referral by the SEEDS
Get in Touch and Stay Connected!
Here are just a few ways that you can connect with us electronically,
and join in the discussion and discovery of the community and services
of Centro de Niños y Padres.
If you are a current or former family and wish to join our private
Facebook support group, simply visit our group page [here]
and click Join Group in the top-right corner. Our
site administrator will provide you access as a member. |
If you wish to join our mailing list, simply email
us at community@centrodeninos.org.
You will receive our bi-monthly Centro Newsletter
along with other community/event information throughout the year.
We hope to make this our touchstone to our growing circle of friends
and families so please be sure to sign up!
If you are interested in learning more about the program,
but can’t reach us directly via phone, please feel free to email
us your questions at services@centrodeninos.org.
Our site administrator will direct your questions to the appropriate
staff for follow-up. |
Links to Help You Learn More
There are many resources from which you can find support or information
on how to obtain needed services for your friends or family. In order
to support our community, we'd like to share with you some primary contacts
in our area:
Eastern Los Angeles
Regional Center [http://www.elarc.org] – Serving individuals with
developmental disabilities and their families. (626) 299-4700.
Family Resource Library
& Assistive Technology Center [http://www.elafrc.org] - Family
Resource Center (FRC) specializes in providing support, information,
resources and training for young children with disabilities, their families
and the professional and community members who work with them in the
Eastern region of Los Angeles County. (626) 300-9171.
of Developmental Services [http://www.dds.ca.gov] – The California
Department of Developmental Services is the agency through which the
State of California provides services and supports to individuals with
developmental disabilities. (916) 654-1690.